Help us collect 15,000 handbags to help 15,000 women in need.

Many of us own a number of handbags, and one of those bags can bring joy to a woman who is less fortunate than we are. We are collecting gently-used handbags in store to be given to local charities and distributed to women who could use a helping hand.


*Receive a $25 bonus toward a new handbag that is $249 or less, or a $50 bonus toward a handbag that is $250 or more. This offer excludes Artful at Heart Totes and Live Love Travel. Limited to stock on hand.  One bonus per qualifying handbag purchase. Cannot be combined with any other offer. In store only.

Handbag Services

Our registered leather handbags include a 2 year warranty against workmanship and structural defects.  We also offer complimentary cleaning and conditioning for the life of your leather handbag.